Earth Care Awards

Awards Categories

Category I:  Community Based Climate Action

Due to the rising challenges of climate change, communities/grassroots-level organisations across the world have started using their innovative indigenous knowledge and implementing the same at the grassroots level.

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These initiatives help in mitigating and adapting to climate change and lessen the carbon footprint created in our society.

This category aims to recognize such community based climate action projects by a local government body, the community itself, community-level grassroots organisations, youth groups, women-self-help groups, or by an individual. However, the initiative should have been implemented and practiced by the community members themselves.

These awards recognize the innovative and outstanding community-led initiatives that work to address the climate change issues at the grassroots level and mitigate the same through their local knowledge, and the available resources to build mechanisms to restore the depleting climatic conditions, for a sustainable future.

The Community Based Climate Action award will be awarded under 5 sub-categories to acknowledge the wide-range of impactful work being done in the domain of community based climate action. Communities and organizations are encouraged to choose the thematic area(s) that describes their work best.

The thematic areas can include (but not limited) to the following:

  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Green Energy Adoption
  • Sustainable Waste Management
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Natural Resource Management, among others.
The sub-categories under the awards are:
Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation

Recognising community-led initiatives or grassroots level and civil society organisations working towards restoring biodiversity using Indigenous methods.

Excellence in Green Energy Adoption

Awarding communities that have worked towards promoting and adopting green energy.

Excellence in Promoting Sustainable Waste Management

Awarding NGOs/civil society organisations who have adopted sustainable waste management practices at the community level.

Excellence in Adopting Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Recognition of communities undertaking/have undertaken sustainable agricultural practices.

Excellence in Pioneering Natural Resource Management

Awarding communities/NGOs who have used sustainable and impactful practices/methods to conserve and restore the existing natural resources.

Category II:  Enablers for Urban-Centered Climate Action

Today, towns and cities face the maximum effects of climate change, and it directly affects the citizens of these areas. With the rising temperatures, shortage of water resources, air and water pollution; cities and towns across the globe are battling with the impacts of climate change.

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Government bodies play a pivotal role in helping urban centres and their citizens to adopt measures to mitigate or impede the impact of climate change. These civic bodies can develop and implement climate-resilient initiatives amongst the residents, through funding, regulating, establishing green policies, and endorsing sustainable behaviours.

This category recognises government and civic bodies that have worked resiliently to mitigate the effects of climate change and introduced green practices within their areas through different policies and initiatives.

These initiatives can include (but not limited) to the following:

  • Biodiversity conservation,
  • Promoting green architecture,
  • Use of renewable energy,
  • Adoption of climate-friendly food chains,
  • Adoption of green mobility solutions,
  • Innovative waste management mechanisms,
  • Natural resource management, among others.

Category III:  Emerging Businesses in Climate Action

To tackle climate change, innovative and sustainable practices must be spearheaded by up-and-coming enterprises. Such businesses are developing innovative solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change across different sectors whose results will be to reduce the carbon footprint created in society. 

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It can include working on creating mechanisms for renewable energy, waste management, carbon capture, energy efficiency, etc.

The demand for innovative ideas and sustainable business models has never been stronger as the globe struggles with the expanding effects of climate change. Emphasizing the urgency of the climate crisis, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data warns that global greenhouse gas emissions have to peak by 2025 if we are to limit warming to 1.5°C and prevent the most catastrophic consequences of climate change. This can only be achieved through creative thinking and enacting quick, significant changes while substituting innovative ideas in place of conventional corporate practices.

Emerging businesses can play an important role in facilitating this positive paradigm shift by developing and using fresh technologies, goods, and services that lower emissions and advance sustainability. Today, new, innovative businesses are spearheading climate innovation, advancing renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and circular economy models.

This award is aimed at recognising those forwarded-thinking enterprises that are working to develop a sustainable society and combat the effects of climate change. These enterprises have not only embraced environment-friendly practices for their organisations but also are creating mechanisms for other enterprises to imbibe green strategies in their core business models.

Young enterprises are encouraged to apply for this award under a thematic area that is relevant to their domain, product or service, which can include (but are not limited to):

  • Industrial Carbon Footprint Reduction
  • Green Mobility
  • Innovative Waste Management Solutions
  • Natural Resource Management with Green Technology Solutions, among others.
The sub-categories under the awards are:
Industrial Carbon Footprint Reduction

Rewarding enterprise(s) that have invented solutions to lessen the carbon footprint caused by different industries like chemical, construction, metal, mining, packaging, oil and gas, etc.

Innovation in Green Mobility

Recognizing enterprise(s) working towards reducing carbon footprint by creating and manufacturing energy-efficient transportation.

Innovative Waste Management Solutions

Awarding enterprise(s) working on manufacturing practices that aid in handling, recycling, and disposing of waste.

Natural Resource Management with Green Technology Solutions

Rewarding enterprise(s) that have used clean technology solutions to create mechanisms for the conservation and restoration of natural resources.

Category IV: Green Business Titan

In the face of escalating climate challenges, corporate leadership in climate action has never been more crucial. The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023 highlights climate-related risks, such as extreme weather events, as the top global risks for the coming decade (WEF, 2023).

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Furthermore, the International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, global CO2 emissions must fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 (IEA, 2021). These risks and critical actions to combat climate change require corporate leadership to play a pivotal role.

Businesses have been considered significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions but they also possess the resources, innovation, and influence to drive substantial positive change. Effective corporate leaders in climate action adopt comprehensive sustainability strategies, reduce their carbon footprints, invest in renewable energy, and champion policies that support environmental sustainability. They inspire their organizations and stakeholders to embrace sustainable practices, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

As the effects of climate change and their mitigation are becoming the new norm, businesses across the board are rising to lead the way in solving this global issue.

This category honours the pioneering efforts of visionary business leaders dedicated to environmental sustainability and eco-conscious practices. It celebrates those whose visionary approach and dedication to green business practices and sustainability have significantly contributed to the fight against climate change and set a powerful example for future leaders.

The award recognizes corporate trailblazers who have driven business transformation by integrating green principles into their corporate strategies and have established their organizations as champions for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Category V: Women Leaders in Climate Action

Women are disproportionately affected by climate change and yet are pivotal in crafting sustainable solutions. According to the United Nations, 80% of people displaced by climate change are women (UN Women, 2021).

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Women in developing countries often rely on natural resources for their livelihoods and are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate-related disasters, such as floods and droughts. The World Bank highlights that climate change exacerbates existing gender inequalities, limiting women’s access to resources, education, and decision-making opportunities (World Bank, 2021).

Despite these challenges, women have consistently demonstrated leadership in climate action. Studies show that female participation in political decision-making leads to more effective climate policies and sustainable outcomes (UNDP, 2016). Whether at the grassroots level or in top leadership positions, women are actively working to mitigate climate change by adapting to its impacts and fostering sustainable, gender-sensitive communities.

This category honours the noteworthy accomplishments of women leaders advancing climate change programs with passion and creativity. This award is for their visionary leadership, significant initiatives and for spearheading the pressing concerns of climate change in society. These leaders motivate people to take decisive action toward a more resilient and sustainable future through their work.

Their work can be classified under the themes of (but not limited to):

  • Innovative sustainable agricultural methods
  • Conservation of natural resources and biodiversity
  • Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities Upcycling waste materials and others.