Earth Care Awards

5th Edition

Category I : Community-Based Adaptation

Empowering Tribals

GUJARAT, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme

From decentralized water-management to providing bio-gas units for individual households, the programme works for economic empowerment and institution-building in the eastern tribal belt of Gujarat. The project helped develop ownership of common property resources. The interventions have led to an increased capacity to adapt to challenges posed by climate change in the predominantly tribal belt.

Paddy Power


The revival of salt-tolerant rice varieties in the vulnerable Sundarbans Delta Region by ENDEV – Society for Environment & Development and Lutheran World Service Trust. Their efforts to create community-level institutions such as seed banks for the conservation of these varieties have earned them the Earth Care Award. Today, farmers have 2,000kg of these seeds from the initial 10kg.

Category II : Green House Gases Emission Reduction in Industry

Carbon Conscious

Tata Consultancy Services

Between 2007 and 2008, Tata Consultancy Services reduced its carbon footprint by 34% and then further reduced it by 26% in 2009. Besides implementing green interventions across its data centres, TCS has also taken positive steps in biodiversity conservation, e-waste management and increasing power-use efficiency.

Alternate Fuels

MADHYA PRADESH, Kymore Cement Works, ACC Limited

The burning of tyres, industrial waste as well as chocolates and face cream past their expiry date, as alternate fuel to coal in the production of clinker (an intermediate product in the manufacture of cement) has helped the company reduce Green House Gas emissions. The optimization of their infrastructure has helped conserve electrical energy. The award acknowledges their use of alternate fuel resource and raw material management and the improvement of their plant efficiency to derive energy efficiency .


Water Recharge

Farmland Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Their innovative ‘V-Wire injection well’ technology aids water recharge in arid regions and eliminates the need for tanker water, establishing new bore wells and the utilization of energy during the water extraction. Other benefits include the reduction of top soil loss, the checking of sea water ingression in the coastal areas, and the reduction of hardness and salinity in the groundwater source. FLRHS has done 5,000 such installations to date across the country